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Our Cores
The Administrative Core is the executive governing body of the ADRC and provides the vision and leadership necessary to achieve the ADRC's general and thematic goals.
The Columbia University ADRC Biomarker Core serves as a central hub for human biofluid, PET, and MRI-based biomarker research conducted within the cognitive aging and dementia community.
The ADRC Clinical Core provides the clinical operations of the ADRC, as well as supporting the other ADRC cores and the general research endeavors of the ADRC.
The Genetics Core acts as a centralized resource for organization and analysis of genetic data within the ADRC, providing comprehensive genetic characterization of all ADRC research participants.
The Neuroimmunology Core supports the development of biosample and data resources along one of the three thematic axes of the ADRC.
The Neuropathology Core provides state-of-the-art diagnostic services and collects, maintains, and distributes optimally prepared brain tissue samples to CUIMC and worldwide investigators.
The Outreach, Recruitment and Engagement Core (ORE) plays an essential role in achieving the proposed goals of the Columbia ADRC.
The Research and Education Core (REC) Training Program enhances the primary aims of the Columbia ADRC—to enable and contribute to ongoing Alzheimer's disease research efforts.
The DMS Core is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the ADRC's ever-expansive and complex relational database of clinical and genetic data, neuropathological and biospecimen indicators.