Developmental Opportunities
Development Project Grant Awards for Alzheimer's Disease Research
The Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC) has funds available for Development Project Grants that are one to three years in duration, up to $100,000 in direct support for each year.
Alzheimer’s disease is associated with three core pathologies: amyloid pathology, tau pathology, and neurodegeneration. Recent studies have established that the disease is most commonly linked to three biological pathways: endosomal trafficking, immune response, and cholesterol metabolism. The general theme of our ADRC is to better understand how the disease’s three pathologies are linked to the three biological pathways.
Preference will be given to proposals that address the ADRC’s general theme and those that foster diversity and inclusion and disparites. Use of ADRC's internal resources combined with external resources available from the newly created NIH page “How Researchers Can Tap Into Data and Samples from ADRCs” includes datasets from NACC, NCRAD, ADGC/ADSP, and is strongly encouraged.
The developmental grants are intended to support feasibility studies that will establish a basis for applying for further research funding. As such, we expect these grants to turn into successful grant applications in the future.
Eligibility Requirements
The Development Projects are designed for CUIMC postdoctoral or junior faculty level investigators, but may be awarded to a more senior investigator whose research is primarily in areas other than Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders, and who wants to work in the dementia research field or who wants to try a new hypothesis, method, or approach that is not an extension of ongoing research.
Proposal Format
Provide Word and PDF electronic copy of the following using the PHS 398 Forms.
- Four-page, maximum description of the project:
- p. 1 - Aims and Background;
- p. 2 - Preliminary Findings and Innovation;
- pp. 3- 4 (1st half) – Methods;
- p. 4 (2nd half) – Future Plans and Direction
- NIH Biosketch (use link above)“Biosketch Format Page” and “Biosketch Sample”. Follow provided instructions on Sample Page (i.e. include Personal Statement and a maximum of 15 publications, excluding those submitted or in preparation)
- Detailed Budget for the first 12-month budget period including percent effort for all key personnel along with a Budget Justification. Awards are renewed on a case by case basis, each year
- Statement of Facilities (Resources and Environment Page) available for the research
- Other Support
We ask that all applicants submit an electronic CV and proposal in the above format. Applicants without independent space or appointment should also send mentor’s CV accompanied by a brief letter from the mentor stating approval of the application.
These funds are available through NIH GRANT P30AGO66462.
PI Alzheimer's Disease Research Center: Scott A. Small, MD