Neuropathology Core

The importance of human brain tissue in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) research cannot be overstated, both as a resource to explore and define novel molecular pathways, as well as a critical resource for animal researchers who wish to validate their findings in human tissue.
The chief function of the Neuropathology Core is to provide state-of-the-art diagnostic services and to collect, maintain, and distribute optimally prepared brain tissue samples to CUIMC and worldwide investigators. Neuropathological tissue is housed at the New York Brain Bank (NYBB) at Columbia University, which has a long history of serving the wider ADRD research community’s need for well-characterized human brain tissue. A world leader in brain banking methodology since 2001, the NYBB forms a nucleus around which additional institutional banking efforts are able to thrive by facilitating neurodegeneration research at Columbia.
In addition, the Neuropathology Core serves to train and educate the next generation of neurodegenerative disease researchers and brain bankers.