ADRC High School Scholars

ADRC High School Scholars
So you want to be doctor, heath care provider or research scientist?
The ADRC High School Scholars Program is committed to supporting students in early adolescence to foster a progressive learning experience underscored in science to enable high self-efficacy.
The ADRC High School Scholars program partners with underresourced New York City High Schools with eligible cohorts of high students who have faced barriers in their academic journey. This program's foundation is neurological but considers applicants with diverse scientific interests. The program recruits rising sophomores selected during the Spring semester of Freshman year.
Selection Criteria
The high school should support students with an expressed interest in medicine/health sciences careers who are rising high school sophomores (to be selected Spring of Freshman Year)
Application selection is based on the following criteria:
- Recognized as a student showing promise by teachers or guidance counselor
- Motivation to learn
- Willingness and ability to commit to the program
- Maturity
Interested in Learning More?
For more information about the ADRC High School Research program, high school principals should contact:
Scott Small, MD
Founding Director
Allison Heaps, MS
Operations and Programming Director