Video Visit Information & Instructions for Patients
Columbia Neurology now offers telehealth appointments through Columbia Virtual Visits. Using a camera-ready device and a strong internet connection, you’ll meet with your doctor using a secure video conferencing platform. You’ll receive the same high level of expert care that you expect from an office visit, all from the comfort of your own home.
Virtual Visits are available with a range of neurology specialists for adults and children, and are a safe and convenient way to manage your care.
You can request an appointment online or my phone. Make sure to mention you're interested in a Virtual Visit. We'll make sure it's the right choice for your appointment and help you get started.
Or, call us at 646-426-3876 from 9 am – 5 pm.
To learn more about ColumbiaDoctors Virtual Visits, including what you'll need to get started, you can visit