Visiting Scholar or Scientist
Guidelines & Application
Individuals who do not qualify for appointments as officers of instruction or research but who wish to use the facilities of the University to pursue their own research may be named visiting scholar or visiting scientist. The title of visiting scholar/scientist is generally reserved for persons in one of the following categories:
Scholars from American universities and colleges outside the New York metropolitan area who are not teaching at the University or participating in a research project sponsored by it; Scholars who work or reside in the greater New York area and are on leave from their home institutions; Graduate students from other American universities and colleges; members of research laboratories or institutions; Staff and students of foreign academies and universities; Officials and former officials of governmental or nongovernmental organizations, such as the United Nations, and their affiliates; Practicing professionals and creative artists; and other persons whom the Associate Provost determines will contribute to the intellectual life of the University.
To be considered, you must facilitate the following:
- Complete the Registration Form for Short-Term Visitors. This form:
- must clearly state the purpose for which you will be visiting the University, the activities you will be engaged in while at the University and anticipated length of visit.
- must be signed by you and the faculty member sponsoring you.
- Pay the administrative processing fee of $1000 in the form of certified check to Columbia University Medical Center - Neurology.
- Include an updated CV with your application.