Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
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The goal of the ADRC HS Scholars Program is to reach talented young people from backgrounds underrepresented in science and medicine, and to encourage and inspire them toward careers in these fields.
Scott A. Small, MD, Boris & Rose Katz Professor of Neurology and Director of the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, comments about how memories are encoded.
Scott A. Small, MD, Boris and Rose Katz Professor of Neurology, talks about why it is important to make an appointment with a doctor when you experience memory problems.
Adam M. Brickman, PhD, Professor of Neuropsychology, and Scott A. Small, MD, Boris and Rose Katz Professor of Neurology, discuss their study that examined health benefits of flavanol-rich diet
Latest News
By Matt Fuchs
After exercising, choose a brain-healthy recovery meal.
By Usha Lee McFarling
Other researchers are not convinced that these biomarkers vary by race, primarily because so little Alzheimer’s research has been conducted on Black and Latinx people.
By Ted Knutson
It is well established that people who had fewer opportunities to receive education when they were children are at higher risk for Alzheimer’s disease later in life, noted Dr. Jennifer Manly
A new study on COVID-19 patients with dementia led by James Noble, MD, MS associate professor of neurology at CUIMC
During March, Women’s History Month, CUMC is sharing the stories of some of the many women who are spearheading innovation through research, patient care, and education.
The Wall Street Journal
New research could explain why COVID-19 survivors face neurological symptoms months after getting sick. ADRC Development Grant awardee Dr. Anna Nordvig discusses how the coronavirus affects the brain.
It is difficult to isolate large quantities of microglia from human brain. That’s why scientists still know little about the different ways these cells rear up in health and disease.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Neurodegenerative Disease Conference 2020: ADRC Cold Spring Harbor Panel featuring Dr. Anna Nordvig.
Decades before the first symptoms of Alzheimer’s appear, the brain’s neurons start secreting tau proteins, one of the first changes known to occur in the course of the disease.
Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer’s Disease and the Aging Brain
Dr. Scott Small discusses the new P30 funding for the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) at Columbia.