In Memoriam: Charles Adler
Columbia University Irving Medical Center celebrates the life and mourns the passing of Charles Adler, our friend and benefactor. Mr. Adler and his family have been vital to our continuing work in the Department of Neurology, the Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain, and the Division of Cardiology. We are grateful for Mr. Adler's commitment to the research of neurodegenerative diseases, and support of programs focused on women's cardiovascular health. The establishment of the Adler Assistant Professorship of Neurological Sciences is an enduring tribute to his foresight and generosity. We offer our condolences to the extended Adler family.
Lee Goldman, MD
Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine Chief Executive, Columbia University Irving Medical Center
Richard Mayeux, MD, MSc
Gertrude H. Sergievsky Professor of Neurology, Psychiatry & Epidemiology Chairman, Department of Neurology Co-Director, Taub Institute
Michael L. Shelanski, MD PhD
Henry Taub Professor of Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain (in Pathology and Cell Biology and in the Taub Institute) Senior Vice Dean for Research Co-Director, Taub Institute
Elsa-Grace V. Giardina, MD, MS
Professor of Medicine, Vagelos College Physicians and Surgeons Director, Women's Heart Center